Online Chapel
Start your day with God
5, 12, 19, 26 March, 2, 9 Apr
Prayer Guide
To start, you must stop. To move forward, you must pause. Put down your wish list and wait. Sit quietly, "Be sill, and know that I am God."
As you are here before Him, keep turning inward to your spirit and re-center your scattered senses upon the presence of God. When your attention is finally turned within and your mind is set on the Lord, simply remain quiet before Him for a little while.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
Prayer Guide

You can pray by talking, thinking, or writing; you can even try drawing, crafting or painting what you want to express.
You can use your own words or borrow someone else's, making them your own.
All you need to do is to:
Keep it simple.
Keep it real.
Keep it up.

Devotional Material
Get closer to God week by week
As we enter the Lent season, we take time to reflect on the journey Christ took to redeem us. The way of the cross is not merely a historical event but a spiritual path we are called to follow. Jesus Himself declared, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) As we journey through Lent, we are invited to reflect on Christ’s road to Calvary—the road that led to our redemption.
This five-week devotional series explores the call to take up our cross, the seeming foolishness of the cross, our new identity in Christ, the paradox of shame and victory, and finally, the joy set before us. May this time of prayer and reflection draw us closer to Christ and deepen our love for Him.
预苦期(Lent)的到来,我们要静思基督为赎回人所走的道路。我们蒙召不只是要回顾十架之道的历史,而是走上属灵之路。耶稣说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。”(路加福音 9:23)在预苦期里,让我们跟随主的足迹,一起静思那通往各各他的道路,那条引向救恩的道路。
Week 1: The Way of the Cross
Taking Up the Cross
Jesus calls His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. The way of the cross is a path of surrender, not self-preservation. To take up the cross means to embrace suffering, rejection, and even death for the sake of Christ. It is a radical call to discipleship that requires us to lay down our own desires and submit to the will of God.
In the first-century context, the cross was a symbol of shame and public execution. For Jesus to use this imagery meant that following Him would not be a path of ease but of sacrifice. True discipleship requires us to put aside personal ambition, comfort, and security to trust fully in God’s plan. Galatians 2:20 reminds us, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." This surrender leads to eternal gain—losing our lives for Christ's sake means finding true life in Him.
Prayer Focus:
- Ask God for the strength to deny yourself and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
- Pray for a heart that embraces the cost of discipleship.
- Confess areas of self-centeredness and surrender them to Christ.
- What areas of your life are difficult to surrender to Christ?
- How can you take up your cross daily?
在第一世纪,十架是羞辱和公众刑罚的象征。耶稣成为那象征,意味着跟随祂不会是安逸的道路,而是一条牺牲之路。真正的门徒必须放下个人的野心、舒适和安全,全然信靠神的计划。加拉太书 2:20 提醒我们:“我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面。” 这种牺牲让我们得享永恒,为基督而失去生命,才能得着那真正的生命。
- 求神赐下力量,使我们愿意舍己,全心跟随耶稣。
- 祷告做门徒能拥有一颗愿意付上代价的心。
- 认出生活哪方面是以自己为中心而活,认罪罪悔改交托给基督。
- 你生命中有哪些领域难以完全交托给基督?
- 你每天可以怎么“背起十字架”?
Week 2: The Wisdom of the Cross
Foolishness to the World
The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. The world values strength, wisdom, and power, yet God chose to save through what seemed weak and shameful—the crucifixion of Christ. The cross turns human wisdom upside down, revealing that true power is found in surrender and sacrifice.
Throughout history, people have struggled with the paradox of the cross. How could God’s power be displayed in what seemed like utter defeat? Yet, this is the very nature of divine wisdom—the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Philippians 3:7-9 teaches us that everything we once counted as gain is nothing compared to knowing Christ. By embracing the way of the cross, we learn that true victory is not in worldly success but in obedience to God, even in suffering.
Prayer Focus:
- Ask God for the humility to embrace the wisdom of the cross over worldly wisdom.
- Pray for boldness to proclaim Christ crucified, even when the world considers it foolish.
- Intercede for those who are blinded by worldly wisdom and do not yet understand the power of the cross.
- In what ways have you been tempted to seek worldly approval instead of embracing the cross?
- How can you grow in faith to trust in the wisdom of God?
十字架的信息对灭亡的人来说是愚拙的,但对我们这些得救的人来说,却是 神的大能。世界看重力量、智慧和权力,然而神却选择世人眼中那软弱又羞辱 的十架来拯救世人。十架颠覆了人的智慧,因为它的大能是只有在降服与牺 牲中完全彰显出来。
纵观历史,人对十架的悖论任然想不通。神的大能怎么能彰显在看似彻底失 败的事件中?然而,这就是神的本质⸺神就算是有软弱也比人的力量强。腓立比书 3:7-9 也教导我们,过去我们所看为有价值的,在认识基督的荣耀面前都显得毫无意义。持守十架之道,我们学习到得胜不是你在世上有多成功,而是就算历经苦难,你任然顺服神。
- 求神赐下谦卑的心,使我们愿意接受十字架的智慧,而不是世俗的智慧。
- 祷告自己能有勇气宣扬基督钉十字架的信息,就算被世人觉得这是愚笨的事。
- 为那些被世俗智慧蒙蔽、尚未明白十字架大能的人代祷。
- 你在哪些方面曾试图寻求世界的认可,而不是选择十架之道?
- 你如何在信心上成长,完全信靠神的智慧?
We were once dead in our sins, but God, in His mercy, made us alive in Christ. This new life is not meant to be lived in isolation. We are saved into a community—the body of Christ. The way of the cross unites us as a redeemed people, calling us to love, serve, and build one another up in faith.
The early church understood this well. They devoted themselves to fellowship, prayer, and sharing life together (Acts 2:42-47). Being part of the body of Christ means carrying each other’s burdens, encouraging one another, and growing together in holiness. The way of the cross teaches us that we are not alone—we walk this journey with our brothers and sisters in faith. 1 John 4:7-12 reminds us that love is the defining mark of God’s people.
Prayer Focus:
- Thank God for His mercy and grace in making us alive in Christ.
- Pray for unity and love within the body of Christ.
- Ask God to show you how you can serve and encourage fellow believers.
- How does the cross shape the way you relate to others in the community of faith?
- Are there relationships in the church that need healing and reconciliation?
初代教会明白群体的重要性。他们恒心团契、祷告,并共同分享生活(使徒行传 2:42-47)。作为基督身体的一部分,我们要彼此分担重担,互相鼓励,并在圣洁中一同成长。十架之道教导我们,我们并不孤单⸺我们与信仰中的弟兄姐妹一同前行。约翰一书 4:7-12 提醒我们,爱是神子民最显著的标志。
- 感谢神的怜悯和恩典,使我们在基督里得着新生命。
- 为基督身体的合一与彼此相爱祷告。
- 祈求神指引我们如何服侍和鼓励信徒。
- 十字架如何影响你在信仰群体中的人际关系?
- 在教会中,是否有需要医治与和解的关系?
At the cross, Jesus bore our shame and triumphed over sin, death, and the powers of darkness. What seemed like defeat was actually the greatest victory. The way of the cross teaches us that suffering and shame are not the final word—Christ’s resurrection is!
Sin brings guilt, condemnation, and separation from God. But through His sacrifice, Jesus cancelled our debt and disarmed the enemy. We no longer have to live under the weight of shame, for in Christ, we have been set free. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." The cross assures us that no matter our past, we stand victorious in Christ.
Prayer Focus:
- Confess any shame or burdens you are carrying and lay them at the cross.
- Thank Jesus for His triumph over sin and death on your behalf.
- Pray for faith to trust in His victory, even in seasons of struggle.
- What burdens do you need to lay at the cross?
- How can you remind yourself of Christ’s victory in difficult times?
罪带来内疚、定罪和与神的隔离。但借着祂的牺牲,耶稣偿还了我们的罪债, 并战胜了仇敌。我们不再需要活在羞耻的重担之下,因为在基督里,我们已经得自由。哥林多后书 5:17 提醒我们:“如果有人在基督里,他就是新造的人。” 十字架向我们保证,无论我们的过去如何,我们都在基督里已得胜。
- 认罪悔改,将你所背负的羞耻与重担交托在十字架前。
- 感谢耶稣为你战胜罪恶和死亡。
- 祷告在艰难的季节中,有信心相信主的得胜。
- 你有哪些重担需要摆在十字架前?
- 在困难的时刻,你如何提醒自己基督的得胜?
Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. He saw beyond the suffering to the glory that would follow. As we follow the way of the cross, we too must fix our eyes on Jesus, enduring trials with the hope of the resurrection.
As we draw near to Good Friday and Easter, we are reminded that Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him—the redemption of His people and the glory of the Father. Lent is a season of preparation, not just for remembrance but for renewal. The way of the cross leads to resurrection, and we are invited to walk in this hope.
Additional Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:11-12, Revelation 21:4
Prayer Focus:
- Reflect on the joy set before Christ and what it means for your life.
- Ask for perseverance to run the race of faith with endurance.
- Pray for a deeper appreciation of the cross as we approach Easter.
- What sacrifices are you willing to make for the joy that Jesus has set before you?
- How can you practically encourage others to fix their eyes on Jesus this week?
耶稣为了摆在前面的喜乐,忍受了十架的痛苦。祂看到的不只是眼前的苦难, 而是之后的荣耀。跟随十架之道的人,我们也必须定睛仰望耶稣,在试炼中持守复活的盼望。
随着耶稣受难日和复活节的临近,我们再次被提醒,耶稣为了摆在前面的喜乐⸺即祂子民的救赎和天父的荣耀⸺甘愿忍受十字架的痛苦。预苦期不只是叫我们纪念十架,而是在预备我们那更新的时刻。十架是通向复活的道路, 它是在邀请我们走上这盼望之路。
补充经文:提摩太后书 2:11-12;启示录 21:4
- 默想基督摆在前面的喜乐,对你的生命会带来什么意义。
- 求神赐下忍耐,使你能坚定地奔跑信仰的赛程。
- 祷告自己在复活节临近时,对十字架有更深的珍惜。
- 为了耶稣为你预备的喜乐,你愿意做出哪些牺牲?
- 在这个星期里,你可以如何实际地鼓励他人定睛仰望耶稣?
Over the past five weeks, we have journeyed through the way of the cross—learning what it means to take up our cross daily (Mark 8:34), embracing the wisdom of the cross that confounds the world (1 Corinthians 1:18), living as those made alive in Christ and united in His body (Ephesians 2:5), understanding the paradox of shame and victory at Calvary (Colossians 2:15), and fixing our eyes on Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2).
The way of the cross is not merely a seasonal reflection for Lent; it is the pattern for our lives as followers of Christ. Galatians 2:20 reminds us, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” To walk the way of the cross means to daily surrender our will to His, to embrace suffering for His name, to live in the power of His resurrection, and to proclaim the victory of His love.
The Next Step: Living the Way of the Cross
Now that we have meditated on Christ’s journey to the cross, how will we respond?
Let us commit to:
- Surrender Daily: Ask yourself, "What am I holding onto that Christ is calling me to lay down?" (Luke 9:23)
- Embrace the Wisdom of the Cross: Choose faith in God's power even when the world calls it foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:25).
- Live in Community: Strengthen the body of Christ through love, encouragement, and service (Acts 2:42-47).
- Walk in Victory: Lay down your burdens at the foot of the cross and walk in the freedom Christ has won (Colossians 2:15).
- Fix Your Eyes on Jesus: Keep your heart set on the eternal joy that awaits in His presence (Hebrews 12:2).
May this Lenten season be the beginning of a renewed commitment to walk the way of the cross—not in our strength, but in the power of Christ who lives in us!
Final Benediction:
"May the Lord bless you and keep you as you walk in His footsteps. May His grace sustain you, His love transform you, and His Spirit empower you. Go forth in the victory of the cross, proclaiming His hope, reflecting His love, and fixing your eyes on the joy set before you. In Jesus’ name, Amen."
在过去的五周里,我们走过了十架之道⸺学习了每日背起十字架的意义(马可福音 8:34)、接受那让世人困惑的十架智慧(哥林多前书 1:18)、活出在基督里得新生命,并与祂的身体合一(以弗所书 2:5)、理解在各各他羞辱与得胜的矛盾(歌罗西书 2:15),以及定睛仰望耶稣,因祂为摆在前面的喜乐忍受了十字架(希伯来书 12:2)。
十架之道不仅仅是预苦期的默想,而是我们作为基督门徒的生活样式。加拉太书 2:20 提醒我们: “我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面。” 走上十架之道意味着每日降服于祂的旨意,为祂的名甘愿承受苦难,活在祂复活的大能之下,并宣扬祂慈爱得胜的信息。
既然我们已经默想了基督走向十架的旅程,那么我们该如何回应呢? 让我们立志:
- 每日降服: 问问自己:“我是否仍然紧抓着某些东西,而基督呼召我放下?” (路加福音 9:23)
- 接受十字架的智慧: 即使十架在世界眼中是愚拙,也选择信靠神的大能。(哥林多前书 1:25)
- 活在群体中: 透过爱、鼓励和服事来建立基督的身体。(使徒行传 2:42-47)
- 行走在胜利中: 把一切重担交托在十字架前,在基督的自由里生活。(歌罗西书 2:15)
- 定睛仰望耶稣: 让我们的心专注于祂所应许的永恒喜乐。(希伯来书 12:2)