Hi there!
Welcome to Collective!
What a great time to be alive, experiencing this beautiful life that God has so graciously given us.
I feel a deep excitement in my spirit for this brand-new year. There are two things we can do together as a church in 2025!
First, I want to invite you to grow deeper in the Lord with us—developing an unshakable relationship with Jesus. It begins with an open and teachable heart, ready to explore the depth of His immeasurable love and goodness toward us. A full life. A life reflecting His original design for us.
Next, I want us to share that life far and wide. Let’s broadcast it to the world and show everyone how amazing life in Jesus truly is.
This is how I want us to live this year.
If each one of us leads just one person to Jesus, imagine how magnificently different our world could be.
As your pastor and friend, I invite you to join us in this incredible adventure. So, the question is… are you in?
Collective Kids
@ 1st Floor of The Office Block
Ages 0-12
Every week we put together gospel-centered, spirit-filled and fun teachings/activities for your kids, from 0yrs - 12yrs old.
Check in begins 15 minutes before each service.
Strictly Students
@ Stage 8
Ages 12-18
Every month we gather as youth to hear from God, pray for one another and spend time together. Come and hang out with us!
We meet in Upper Room, typically on the third Sunday of each month.
We are created for community
Just complete the form below and we will be in touch with you - promise!
We would love to hear from you and get connected.