The Way of the Cross 1 – Taking Up Your Cross

Chen JiaMission Stories

The Way of the Cross (Lesson 1)

Taking Up Your Cross

Opening Prayer : “Heavenly Father, thank You for this time to study Your Word. We ask for wisdom to understand Your truth, clarity to see how it applies to our lives, and open hearts to receive what You want to teach us. Help us to follow You with faith and obedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Background & Context

At this point in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His suffering, death, and resurrection. He just rebuked Peter for trying to stop Him from talking about the cross (Mark 8:31-33). Now, Jesus turns to the crowd and explains what it truly means to follow Him.

During Jesus’ time, the cross was a symbol of suffering, humiliation, and death. The Roman Empire used crucifixion for criminals and rebels. So when Jesus said “take up your cross", He wasn’t just talking about hardship—He was calling people to a radical commitment to Him, even to the point of suffering and death.

What Does It Mean to Take Up Your Cross?

You’ve probably heard people say, “That’s just my cross to bear” when they’re talking about a tough situation—like dealing with a difficult boss or putting up with traffic. But when Jesus said “take up your cross” in Mark 8:34-38, He meant something much deeper.  

Let’s dive into what Jesus was really saying and what it means for us today.

1. Deny Yourself – What Does That Even Mean?

Jesus starts by saying – “Deny yourself”.  That sounds pretty intense, right? In a world that tells us to “do what makes you happy,” Jesus is telling us to put Him first—even before our own desires.  

Let’s talk about it:
- What do you think it means to deny yourself?  
- Can you think of a time when following Jesus meant giving up something you wanted?  

2. Take Up Your Cross – More Than Just a Hard Day

Back then, the cross wasn’t just a symbol on a necklace—it was an instrument of death. Jesus was basically saying – “Be ready to give up everything for me—even your life." That’s a big deal!  

But it’s not just about dying for Jesus—it’s about living for Him every single day, even when it’s hard.  

Let’s talk about it:
- What are some “crosses” we might have to carry as Christians today?  
- Have you ever had to make a tough choice because of your faith?  

3. Following Jesus – A Daily Decision 

Jesus didn’t just say "believe in me"—He said "follow me".  That’s an active choice. Following Jesus isn’t a one-time decision; it’s a daily walk.  

Let’s talk about it:
- What does following Jesus look like in your everyday life?  
- Are there any areas where you struggle to follow Him completely? 

4. Losing vs. Gaining Life – The Upside-Down Kingdom

Jesus says, "Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it”.  That sounds backward, right? But Jesus is saying that true life isn’t found in chasing success, wealth, or comfort—it’s found in Him.  

Let’s talk about it:
- What do people usually think will bring them happiness?  
- How has following Jesus brought you something better than what the world offers?  

5. Not Being Ashamed of Jesus

Jesus gives a strong warning: "If anyone is ashamed of me… I will be ashamed of them". That’s heavy. It means we can’t just be secret Christians who blend in with the world.  

Let’s talk about it:
- Have you ever felt nervous or embarrassed to talk about Jesus?  
- How can we boldly live out our faith without fear? 

So, how can we take up our cross today?

Here are some practical ways:

  • Daily Surrender : Start your day by asking – “God, how can I live for You today?”  
  • Obedience : Do what God says, even when it’s inconvenient.  
  • Sacrificial Love : Put others before yourself, even when it’s hard.  
  • Boldness : Speak up for Jesus, even when it’s unpopular.  

Personal challenge:
Think about this : What’s one way you can take up your cross this week?

Closing Prayer: “Lord, thank You for Your Word and for calling us to follow You. Give us the courage to take up our cross daily and the strength to live boldly for You. Help us to trust You, even when it’s hard, and to put You first in all we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”