Prayer 03 – Listening to God

Head AdminCG Material, Prayer

Part 3: Prayer – Listening to God


In this 4-Part Prayer series, we are working through four dimensions of prayer:

  1. Talking to God
  2. Talking with God
  3. Listening to God
  4. And being with God

Today, we will be going through “listening to God.”

Before we start, let us start with some reflection.


This reflection question section should take about 10 minutes.
If you have more than 10 members, let each of them share their ratings for questions 1 and 2.
Choose or get volunteers to share why.

Reflection Question 1

How many of you have heard the phrase “be authentic, be true to yourself”? We live in a culture where we celebrate being authentic and being completely true to ourselves. Now, time for some reflection:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how authentic are you currently? 1 being not authentic at all and 10 being 100% authentic, and true to yourself.
  2. Again, on a scale of 1 to 10, how authentic do you want to be? Why?

Now, let’s set this discussion aside and see what Scripture says.


The teaching section should take about 15 minutes;
5 minutes for listen & obey and 10 minutes for listening to God.


John 10:2-6
2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.

Here, Jesus is saying that all those who are truly his “sheep” (disciple) – will “know his voice” and “follow” it. For Jesus, discipleship to him is not just about the learning of the principles – it is an interactive, dynamic, living relationship.

Notice that being a disciple does not only entail knowing and hearing his voice but also following his voice. Think of when a parent says to their child, “Listen to me.” They don’t just mean pay attention; they also mean, “Do what I’m asking you to do!” This is the Father saying to his children, listen to me, and obey, and it will go well with you. For Jesus, to listen and to obey is the single most important thing of Christian Discipleship!

Now, the authenticity reflection question just discussed is a thought-provoking one. The word "obey" likely gives us mixed feelings because it goes against the "be true to yourself" culture. But the truth is that, as we become disciples of Christ, we are to keep transforming ourselves to become more and more like Christ, and not remain the sinful, original selves we were born as.

Learning to hear Jesus’ voice is one of the great tasks of a disciple; but obeying it is even more important. We must trust that obedience is not an obstacle to happiness, but obedience is the path to it. Until we believe that God wants our deepest happiness, we won't desire to hear or obey His voice. Once we trust in Jesus’ good intentions, our main goal will be to listen for His voice. So, let us learn to listen and obey!


The question is how? How do we “hear” God’s voice? Let us quickly go through six ways we hear God’s voice.

1. Jesus

Hebrews 1:1-3
1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

We hear God’s voice in Jesus Himself. Modern Christians refer to the Bible as “the word,” but when you read “the word” in the New Testament, it is usually referring to Jesus and the good news of His Kingdom. Hearing God’s voice begins and ends with Jesus, the Word. All the other ways God communicates come through Jesus and point back to Jesus.

2. Scripture

2 Tim 3:16
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

All the words in the Bible are God's words and are absolute truth. Therefore, reading Scripture is a way to listen to and obey God. In fact, as we learn other ways of hearing God, we should test whatever we hear against Scripture because God will never contradict His own word.

3. Circumstances

Some of the circumstances of our lives are the shepherd’s voice coming to us to lead and guide us – opportunities, closed doors, limitations, giftings, relationships, where and when and to whom we are born, the situations we find ourselves in – God is often in those circumstances, coaxing us forward by his voice.

4. Desires

One of the ways we discern God’s voice is by listening – both carefully and critically – to the desires of our heart. Much of secular culture tells us “Be true to yourself” and just “follow your heart” But this is, at best, a half-truth. The Bible has a far more sophisticated view of desire; they tell us the heart is complex, full of both beauty and ugliness; light and shadow.

Some of our desires, left unchecked, would lead us over a cliff to ruin. Of course, because our heart has been infected by sin, we have to sift through our desires to find God’s desire within us. But overall, desire is one of the ways we “hear” God’s voice. So, if you feel a pull in your heart toward a career path or a new friendship, listen for God’s will in that.

5. Prophecy, dreams and visions

1 Corinthians 14:3
3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.

In the charismatic tradition, people are often trained in how to hear God’s voice for other people; often, it’s as simple as opening your imagination to God before you pray over a person, and waiting to see if a word or phrase or line from the Bible or a picture or short film begins to play in your mind’s eye, and then offering that to the other person as a possible word from God, to be then tested against Scripture and in community.

Often people “prophesy” without even knowing it, they just say to you whatever is on their mind, but as you hear it, you feel a weight from the Spirit of God, and you sense, that is a word for you.  

God also speaks through dreams and visions, which are like waking dreams. In both the Old and New Testaments, this is a common way God communicates.

6. Listening Prayer

Which is simply waiting quietly for God to speak into your mind or heart.  

You see, because the Holy Spirit is within you; God can reach directly into our thoughts, feelings, and desires by the Spirit. When a thought arises, we might wonder if it's from God, thinking, "No, it's just in my head." But our head is where thoughts, emotions, and ideas originate—it's the center of our conscious experience.

Now, all our thoughts must be tested to determine the source. But the truth remains, God can and will speak directly into our thought life. Therefore, much of developing a rich prayer life is learning to wait quietly for His voice.


Reflection Question 2 should take 10 minutes.

Reflection Question 2:

What’s the primary way that you hear God’s voice in your life?


All of these ways of listening to God require “discernment.”

This means being able to distinguish between our own imagination, sin, the evil one, and God's voice. Without discernment, we risk being misled by lies from the world, the flesh, and the devil. Discernment is an absolute necessity as we learn to hear God’s voice. It is both a work of the Spirit within us, and a skill we develop over time. And it’s something we do in community, not alone.  

How do we grow in the ability to discern Jesus’ voice from all the other voices in our head? Simple: the same way we learn how to discern the voice of our best friend or our spouse or our parents when we’re babies – by long hours of listening. Our brains come to recognize, almost immediately, a person’s voice. If even sheep can recognize their shepherd's voice, so can we.

Test whatever you “hear” against Scripture and in community. Finally, if God’s word to you was directional, obey. Go do what he said!


This prayer Exercise should take 5 minutes or longer if there is time.
Prepare your CG members by briefing them on the 3 steps below, and if nothing
comes, don’t judge themselves. Just give thanks for his love and try again later.
Our job is to be present to God.

Prayer Exercise:

Let us practice point 6, “listening prayer” right now!
     1.   Ask God to silence the voice of the enemy in your mind, to shield and guard your imagination.
     2.   Ask the Spirit to speak to you.
     3.   Open your heart and mind to listen. Wait quietly with a surrendered heart. He may come to you in a: Word or phrase, Scripture, Thought,
           Picture in your mind, Short film, Feeling in your heart, Sensation in your body.

Adapted from Practicing the Way (