I AM 01 – I Am the Bread of Life

Head AdminCG Material



Scripture reading: John 6:35, 48-51

Today, we explore the first "I Am" statement of Jesus in the Gospel of John.  

In John 6:35, Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." This statement, made shortly after Jesus fed the 5,000 and walked on water, holds deep spiritual significance for us today.

Jesus made this declaration following two significant miracles: the feeding of the 5,000 and walking on water. These events set the stage for Jesus to reveal deeper spiritual truths. The crowd sought Jesus, hoping for more miraculous signs and physical sustenance, but Jesus redirected their focus to the spiritual nourishment He offers.

In first-century Palestine, bread was a fundamental part of daily life. It was essential for sustenance, symbolizing life itself. Bread was integral to Jewish religious practices, such as the Passover feast, which commemorated the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt with unleavened bread. It also represented economic stability. In a society where famine was a constant threat, having bread meant survival and well-being.

Jesus is declaring to us that just as bread sustains physical life, He sustains spiritual life. He offers nourishment that leads to eternal life (John 6:27). Unlike physical bread, which temporarily satisfies hunger, Jesus offers enduring fulfillment. He promises that those who come to Him will "never go hungry" (John 6:35), indicating that he provides us with continuous spiritual nourishment.

And thus, Jesus invites us into a relationship with Him, where our spiritual needs are met through His presence, teachings, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Manna was a temporary provision for the Israelites, satisfying their physical hunger each day. Jesus, the Bread of Life, offers a permanent solution to spiritual hunger, leading to eternal life. Both manna and Jesus are described as coming from heaven. Manna was physical food that descended daily. Jesus is the living bread from heaven, providing spiritual and eternal life (John 6:50-51).

Receiving manna required faith and daily obedience, trusting God for provision each day. Similarly, receiving Jesus as the Bread of Life requires faith in Him and daily reliance on His grace and teachings.

Discussion Questions
Jesus calls Himself the "bread of life" in John 6:35, promising that those who come to Him will never hunger or thirst spiritually.  

  1. How does Jesus provide lasting spiritual nourishment compared to the temporary satisfaction of bread?
  1. What in our lives will we constitute as “bread”? In other words, what must we consume daily to maintain normalcy in our lives?
  1. We know that Jesus should replace these as priority in our lives. How can we practically replace “the bread we mentioned in Q2” with Jesus, so that experiencing Christian faith becomes a normal part of our daily lives?


Q1. Enduring fulfillment and eternal life.

Q2. Common Answers: social media, the need to see their partners, work, etc.

Q3. How you can actively seek Jesus to satisfy your spiritual hunger:
- Set aside time each day for personal devotions, focusing on reading the Bible and praying.
- Keep a journal to record your reflections on how Jesus is sustaining you and meeting your spiritual needs.
- Find ways to serve others, demonstrating the love and provision of Christ to those around you.


As we conclude, let us remember that Jesus, the Bread of Life, offers us more than just physical sustenance. He provides eternal satisfaction and spiritual nourishment. In a world that often leaves us feeling empty and hungry, Jesus invites us to come to Him and be filled.

Individual Reflection


Give your members 5 minutes to reflect and to write down the answers to these
questions. At the end of the reflection, encourage members to share their reflections
and commitments to seeking Jesus as their Bread of Life.

  1. Take a moment to reflect on the times when you've felt spiritually hungry or empty. How has turning to Jesus provided you with strength, peace, and fulfilment?
  1. What specific steps will you take to seek Jesus more earnestly in your daily life?

Closing Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for revealing Jesus to us as the Bread of Life. We are grateful for the spiritual nourishment and eternal satisfaction He provides. Help us to seek Him daily and rely on His presence and teachings to sustain us. Open our hearts to fully trust in Jesus and to follow Him more closely each day.

Guide us as we strive to apply these truths in our lives. May we find comfort and strength in knowing that Jesus meets our deepest needs. Help us to support and encourage one another as we grow in our faith.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.